Can Bearded Dragons Eat Avocado?

A lot of people own bearded dragons as pets, and those who do often have questions about what their pets can and cannot eat. While most people know that bearded dragons are carnivores, some wonder if they can occasionally enjoy a fruit or vegetable treat. One commonly asked question is whether or not bearded dragons can eat avocado.

avocado and bearded dragon

The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Avocados contain a substance called persin, which is toxic to many animals. However, the amount of persin in an avocado is quite low, and it is unlikely to cause any harm to a healthy bearded dragon. In fact, some experts believe that the small amount of persin in an avocado may actually be beneficial for bearded dragons, as it can help them shed their skin properly.

However, there are some risks associated with feeding avocados to bearded dragons.

The nutritional value of avocado for bearded dragons

Avocados are a good source of fat, fiber, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Avocado as a occasional treat for bearded dragons

Avocados are a type of fruit that is high in fat and calories. For this reason, they should only be given to bearded dragons as an occasional treat. When feeding your bearded dragon an avocado, make sure to remove the pit and skin first. Only give them a small piece of avocado at a time so they don’t overeat.

Potential problems with feeding avocado to bearded dragons

Avocados contain a compound called persin, which is toxic to many animals. In small amounts, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea in bearded dragons. In larger amounts, it can be fatal.

Avocados also contain a lot of fat and calories, which can lead to obesity in bearded dragons. Obesity can cause a number of health problems, including heart disease and diabetes.

Finally, the pit of an avocado can be a choking hazard for bearded dragons. If your pet dragon tries to eat the pit, it could get lodged in their throat and block their airway.


One pro of feeding avocado to your bearded dragon is that it is a good source of fat. This is important because bearded dragons need fat in their diet for energy and to help absorb vitamins A and D. Another pro is that avocado is a good source of fiber. This is important for keeping your bearded dragon’s digestive system functioning properly.

There are also some cons to consider before feeding your bearded dragon avocado. One con is that too much fat can lead to obesity in bearded dragons. Another con is that the pit of an avocado can be a choking hazard for them.

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