Can Bearded Dragons Swim : The Ultimate Guide

While it is true that bearded dragons can swim, it is not something that they do often. In the wild, bearded dragons will only swim if they need to cross a body of water in order to get to their destination. In captivity, bearded dragons may take a dip in their water bowl from time to time, but this is not something that should be encouraged.

Swimming is not natural for bearded dragons and can actually be quite stressful for them. If you do decide to let your bearded dragon swim, make sure that you supervise them at all times and provide them with a way to rest and dry off afterwards.

Can bearded dragons swim?

Many people who own bearded dragons wonder if they can swim.

The answer is yes, bearded dragons can swim, but they do not like it and should not be made to do so. Bearded dragons come from arid climates and prefer to live in dry environments. When they get wet, they are more susceptible to illnesses such as respiratory infections.

If you must take your bearded dragon swimming, make sure to do so in clean, warm water that is shallow enough for them to stand in. Be sure to supervise them at all times and never leave them unattended near water.

bearded dragon swimming

Do bearded dragons like water?

It’s a common question among bearded dragon owners – can these lizards swim, and do they like water? The answer is a bit complicated. Bearded dragons are semi-aquatic creatures, meaning they spend part of their time in the water and part of their time on land. In the wild, you’ll often find them near rivers and streams, where they enjoy basking in the sun and taking a dip to cool off.

However, this doesn’t mean that your bearded dragon will enjoy swimming laps in your backyard pool. In fact, most beardies prefer to avoid deep bodies of water entirely. That’s because they’re poor swimmers and can easily drown if they get too deep. For this reason, it’s important to provide your bearded dragon with a shallow water dish that they can safely soak in if they choose to.

Are there any benefits to swimming for bearded dragons?

There are many benefits to allowing your bearded dragon to swim. Swimming can help keep your dragon’s skin healthy and hydrated, as well as help with any shedding issues. It is also a great form of exercise for your pet, and can help reduce boredom and stress.

If you are considering letting your bearded dragon swim, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure the water is shallow enough that your dragon can touch the bottom. Second, the water should be clean and free of any chemicals or other pollutants. Finally, never leave your dragon unattended while it is swimming.

Are there any risks associated with swimming for bearded dragons?

There are some risks associated with swimming for bearded dragons. One is that they could easily drown if they are left unattended in a body of water. Another is that chlorine and other chemicals in pool water can be harmful to their skin. Only let them swim in clear water!

Places where bearded dragons can swim

There are a few things to keep in mind when allowing your bearded dragon to swim. First, make sure the water is clean and free of any chemicals. Second, the water should not be too cold or too hot; the temperature should be similar to that of their natural habitat. Finally, always supervise your bearded dragon while they are swimming and provide them with a place to climb out if they become tired.

Places where bearded dragons should not swim

While bearded dragons are good swimmers, there are some places where they should not swim. Bearded dragons should not swim in water that is too cold or too deep. They should also avoid swimming in water that is salty, dirty, or has chemicals in it.

If you are unsure whether or not your bearded dragon should swim in a particular type of water, it is best to err on the side of caution and not let them swim. There are many other ways to provide exercise and stimulation for your bearded dragon, such as letting them run around outside or providing them with climbing toys.


When it comes to swimming, bearded dragons are not the best. However, they can swim if they need to. If you have a bearded dragon and you’re thinking about taking them to the beach or pool with you, think again. You should only let them swim in clear water, free of any chemical and salt.

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