How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get?

Bearded dragon growth chart

While different species of bearded dragon can vary in size, the average adult bearded dragon will reach somewhere between 2 and 3 feet in length from nose to tail-tip. Females tend to be slightly smaller than males, but both sexes can reach the upper end of this size range if they have good genetics and are well cared for. It’s not uncommon for a healthy bearded dragon to live for 10-15 years, although some individuals have been known to live 20 years or more.

What’s a healthy weight for my bearded dragon?

A healthy weight for a bearded dragon is one that is proportional to its length. A 10-inch dragon should weigh about 10 ounces, while a 20-inch dragon should weigh closer to 20 ounces. If your dragon is significantly overweight or underweight, it can lead to health problems.

Obesity in bearded dragons can cause liver problems, as well as issues with the digestive and respiratory systems. being overweight can also make it difficult for your dragon to move around and bask in the sun, which is essential for their health.

Underweight bearded dragons are more susceptible to illness and infection. They may also have difficulty digesting their food properly, which can lead to malnutrition. If you think your bearded dragon may be underweight, take them to the vet for a checkup.

Factors influencing how big a bearded dragon will get

There are a few factors that influence how big bearded dragons can get. One is the species of bearded dragon, as some grow to be larger than others.
Another factor is the environment in which they live, as those in the wild tend to be smaller than those in captivity.

The diet of a bearded dragon also affects their size, as those who are well-fed tend to grow to be larger than those who are not.
Finally, the amount of exercise a bearded dragon gets also plays a role in how big they become, as those who are more active often reach a larger size than those who are not.

How does the size of a bearded dragon affect its lifespan?

As a species, bearded dragons are long-lived. In the wild, they typically live between 8 and 12 years. However, in captivity, they often live much longer – up to 20 years or more.

There are several factors that affect a bearded dragon’s lifespan, including its size. Generally speaking, the larger the dragon, the longer it will live. This is because larger dragons have a greater reserves of energy and body fat, which helps them to withstand illness and injury better than smaller dragons.

Larger dragons also tend to be less active than their smaller counterparts, meaning they don’t burn through their energy stores as quickly. This is one reason why it’s important not to overfeed your dragon – too much food can lead to obesity, which can shorten its lifespan.

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