How Long do Bearded Dragons Live?

Introduction: Bearded dragons are lovable, low-maintenance pets.

Bearded dragons are lovable, low-maintenance pets that make great companions for reptile enthusiasts of all ages. One of the most frequently asked questions about these popular pets is “How long do bearded dragons live?” The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem.

Bearded dragons are native to Australia and can be found in a variety of habitats, from arid deserts to rainforests. In the wild, these reptiles can live for 10-15 years. However, captive bearded dragons often do not reach this same lifespan due to a number of factors, including poor diet and inadequate housing.

With proper care, however, captive bearded dragons can enjoy a long and healthy life. A well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining your bearded dragon’s health, and proper housing should provide a comfortable and safe environment for your pet to thrive.

What is the lifespan of a bearded dragon?

The average bearded dragons lifespan is between 8 and 12 years. Some have been known to live up to 20 years, but this is rare. The lifespan of a bearded dragon can be affected by many factors, such as diet, housing, and care.

Bearded dragons are native to Australia and live in dry, desert-like conditions. In captivity, they can be kept in a variety of environments, from hot and dry to humid and tropical. A bearded dragon’s natural habitat is arid with little vegetation. They bask in the sun during the day to regulate their body temperature and sleep in burrows at night.

Providing your bearded dragon with a suitable habitat is crucial to their health and longevity.

Factors that affect lifespan

There are many different factors that affect a bearded dragon’s lifespan. One of the most important is diet. A well-balanced, nutritious diet is crucial for a long and healthy life. Bearded dragons also need access to UVB light, which helps them absorb calcium and prevents metabolic bone disease. Another important factor is stress. Too much stress can shorten a beardie’s life by weakening its immune system and making it more susceptible to illness. Finally, genetics also play a role in lifespan. Some bearded dragons are simply born with genetic defects that make them more likely to die at an early age.

How to maximize your bearded dragon’s lifespan

Here are some tips on how to maximize your bearded dragon’s lifespan:

1. Provide a proper diet. Bearded dragons need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. They also need calcium and vitamin D3 supplements.

2. Provide a proper habitat. Bearded dragons need a habitat that has plenty of space for them to move around and basking areas with different temperature gradients. The habitat should also be equipped with a hiding spot and climbing branches.

3. Handle your bearded dragon properly. When handling your bearded dragon, be sure to support their body from underneath so that they feel secure. Avoid handling them too much as this can stress them out.

How long can a bearded dragon live with mbd?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the MBD and the overall health of the bearded dragon. However, it is generally agreed that bearded dragons with MBD can have a shorter lifespan than those without the condition. In some cases, bearded dragons with milder forms of MBD may live for several years, while those with more severe forms may only live for a year or two.


The life expectancy of a bearded dragon is 10-15 years. However, many factors can affect this number, such as diet, habitat, and health. By providing your dragon with the best possible care, you can help them live a long and happy life.

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