Why is My Bearded Dragon Not Eating? Detailed List Exposed

Introduction: Why is my bearded dragon not eating?

There are many potential reasons why your bearded dragon may not be eating.
It could be due to stress, illness, lack of appetite, or something else entirely.
If you’re concerned about your bearded dragon’s health, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.

However, there are some common reasons why bearded dragons may not eat.
One reason is that they could be stressed.
Bearded dragons are easily stressed by changes in their environment, such as a new pet in the house or a move to a new home.
If you think stress may be the reason your bearded dragon isn’t eating, try to make its environment as calm and consistent as possible.
Another common reason for lack of appetite is illness. If your bearded dragon is lethargic and has no interest in food, he may be sick.

Reason 1: Not enough food options

There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon may not be eating. One possibility is that there aren’t enough food options available.
If you’re only offering one or two types of food, your dragon may get bored and lose interest.
Try offering a variety of small insects and vegetables to see if that gets them interested in eating again.

Another possibility is that the food you’re offering isn’t nutritious enough.
Bearded dragons need a diet that includes both protein and fiber.
If you’re only feeding them insects, they may not be getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy.
Try adding some leafy greens or other vegetables to their diet to boost their nutrition.

If your dragon still isn’t eating, it’s possible that there’s an underlying health issue causing their appetite loss.

Reason 2: Illness or injury

One reason may be that your dragon is sick or injured.
If you notice any changes in behavior, appetite, or appearance, it’s important to take your dragon to the vet right away.
Bearded dragons are prone to a number of health problems, so it’s important to stay on top of their health and wellbeing.
If you think your dragon may be ill or injured, trust your instincts and make an appointment with the vet.

Reason 3: Stressful environment

A third possible reason your bearded dragon isn’t eating is that it’s stressed.
If its environment is too hot or too cold, if there isn’t enough hiding places, or if it’s being harassed by other animals, it can become stressed.
Stress can lead to a loss of appetite and make your bearded dragon more susceptible to illness.
To help reduce stress, make sure your bearded dragon’s enclosure is the proper temperature and has plenty of places to hide.
You may also want to consider getting another Reptile for your pet to interact with so it doesn’t get lonely. Why not even mate them?

Reason 4: Improper care

If your bearded dragon isn’t eating, one possible reason is that they’re not being properly cared for.
Improper care can lead to a number of problems that make it difficult for your bearded dragon to eat, including dehydration, malnutrition, and stress.

Dehydration is a common problem in bearded dragons that aren’t being properly cared for.
If your beardie isn’t getting enough water, they can become dehydrated, which can make it difficult for them to eat.
Dehydration can also lead to other health problems, so it’s important to make sure your beardie is getting enough water.

Malnutrition is another common problem in bearded dragons that aren’t being properly cared for.
If your beardie isn’t getting enough food, they can become malnourished, which can make it difficult for them to eat.

Reason 5: Shedding

If your bearded dragon is not eating, one possible reason is that it is shedding.
When a bearded dragon sheds, it may stop eating for a few days as its skin comes off in pieces.
Once the shedding process is complete, your bearded dragon should start eating again.

Reason 6: Wrong temperature

If your bearded dragon’s enclosure is not the proper temperature, they may not have an appetite.
Bearded dragons are cold-blooded creatures, so they rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature.
If the temperature is too low, they will become sluggish and may not want to eat.
The ideal temperature for a bearded dragon’s basking spot is between 95 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit.
The cool side of their enclosure should be around 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
You can use a digital thermometer with a remote sensor to monitor the temperatures in your bearded dragon’s enclosure.

Reason 7: Hibernation

One possible reason your bearded dragon is not eating could be that it is preparing to hibernate.
Hibernation is a natural process that reptiles undergo when the weather starts to get colder and they need to conserve energy.
Bearded dragons are native to Australia, where the climate is warm year-round, so they do not typically hibernate.
However, if your bearded dragon is kept in a cooler environment, it may start to prepare for hibernation by reducing its food intake.
If you think your bearded dragon may be preparing to hibernate, try moving it to a warmer area and see if its appetite increases.

Reason 8: They’re going through a growth spurt

When Bearded Dragons are growing, they sometimes go through periods where they don’t have much of an appetite.
This is normal and usually nothing to worry about. Just make sure they’re still drinking water and getting enough UVB rays.

Reason 9: They’re molting

Bearded Dragons shed their skin every few months as they grow. This process can sometimes affect their appetite.


If your bearded dragon isn’t eating, it could be for a number of reasons.
It could be that they’re shedding, they’re ill, or it’s too hot or cold.
If you’re concerned about your bearded dragon’s lack of appetite, take them to the vet.

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